Monday 31 October 2011

Preliminary Task Evaluation

Our short film demonstates continuity well through the use of techniques such as: match-on-action, 180 degree rule and shot-reverse-shot.  These techniques allow for the film to be understandable and coherent; thereby the audience can follow what is going on. 

The match-on-action - where the mummy opens and walks through the door - has been edited so that, in each of the 3 shots of the mummy opening the door, its hand is always on the handle in the same place as it was in the last shot - so that it makes the opening of the door, which was filmed in 3 shots from different angles, look as if it flowed smoothly and could have happened in one shot, continuously.

We also made sure the characters were in the same position as they were at the end of the last shot before filming the next shot (e.g the cowboy was always sitting in the same place in each shot, whilst on his phone, on the same side of the table) to ensure the continuity of the film, unless there was to be a jump cut (e.g the mummy walking through the door and then cutting to beside the table).  Also, once the cowboy had removed his eyepiece, we made sure that in every shot after that he was not wearing it and that it was around his neck instead.  By doing these things, the audience knew the shots were in a coherent order which told the story and made sense to them.

You can also see from the above images, that we stuck to the 180 degree rule throughout.  This is very important as if it was not used, the film wouldn't have made much sense and the audience would be very confused as to what is happening.  The 180 degree rule helps to keep a sense of order in a person's mind and makes things flow better.  We demonstrated shot-reverse-shot when the characters were exchanging some dialogue, where we also obeyed the 180 degree rule.  By using shot-reverse-shot, the audience can clearly see who is speaking, as well as the reactions to whatever has been said; and the 180 degree rule enhances that.

I feel that our group worked together fairly well.  As we were a group of 4, we used our time efficiently by splitting into twos to film separate shots, before rejoining again to share and discuss our shots.  This saved alot of time and the whole piece was completed in and hour and 10 minutes.  However, at first, we were a bit slow to begin - having dressed our actors but also - because it was the first time we'd had to direct and film, we were a bit nervous as to how to do that and use the equipment to the best we possibly could, as we knew exactly what we wanted to do in our heads but were a bit worried as to how it might turn out.  After filming our first shots though, our initial worries were forgotten. 

The only worry we had now was the amount of time we had to film.  Originally, we would have liked for more people to have been actors involved in our production, but, because it had to be filmed at school during school hours, we couldn't find many people who were willing to contribute and had free periods.  This wasn't too much of an issue, however, as we only had two main characters - but I feel it isn't as effective and realistic as it could have been with more actors (e.g the 'party' scene when the cowboy is dancing at the beginning of the film isn't really much of a party - he's dancing by himself).  We had an hour and a half with the actors before they had a lesson, so we were keep to try and get all the shots finished in this time.  We tried to do it so each of our group had a chance to film each shot once, if not more times and have their say on it and we found this worked well.

If we were to film this piece again, I would try and correct the lighting, as anything white looked very bright when we filmed it.  We tried to tone the brightness down, and make it more dull by reducing the constrast, during the editing - and added an 'olden effect' to the film throughout - but it hasn't helped overly.

When we were planning, we thought alot about the storyline, but not so much about where it was set, the costumes or the actors.  To make it more realistic, we could have decorated the room with Halloween decorations and had more actors dressed up as other Halloween creatures.  From the audience's perspective it just looks like a random cowboy dancing around in a school classroom - not a Halloween party, which is what it's supposed to be.

To make our piece look more professional, we added a fading-in from black effect to the beginning shot and a fading-out to black effect on the last shot.  Other than these we didn't use any transitions as we didn't wanted the piece to be continuous and by adding obvious transitions you could easily devastate the continuity.  Therefore, we decided against them.  Also, our film didn't change time periods (into a new day, for example, or even just an hour or so later), where a transition would aid this well - it was all continuous and would have happened one-thing-after-another.  Adding a transition would give the illusion of it being a different time of day or scene and we didn't want that.

By doing this preliminary task, I have learnt how to use the editing software - I'd never used it before.  It gave me the chance to try everything out and experiment; to see what effects worked and what didn't and how to use all the different options before doing the final piece of coursework.  I learnt how to add sound-effects (e.g the gun shot) and overlay music.  When we were editing our short film, we used slow-mo for some shots to make them more intense (e.g when the cowboy is drawing his gun on the mummy) or more comical (e.g the last shot of the mummy walking towards the door).

Friday 28 October 2011

The Preliminary Task

This is the final edit of our 'Cowboys & Mummies' short production.  It includes match-on-action, shot-reverse-shot, 180 degree rule, someone sitting down and the exchange of dialogue.  I contributed to the idea of the film, the filming and the editing of it.  Enjoy!


I thought the filming went very well.  We managed to get the whole production filmed in just over an hour as we split the workload between our group of four; with one pair filming one scene, whilst the other pair filmed another, as we had two video cameras. 

These were the cameras we used:

They were both identical and we used the same two cameras throughout; on the same settings, to ensure the film was the same quality all the way through.

We didn't use a dolly at all whilst filming, as we found the result wasn't as smooth as when we controlled the camera manually - although, even then, some shots weren't as smooth as, ideally, we would have liked (e.g when we were tracking the mummy from behind down the hallway).  However, for the over-the-shoulder shots between the characters, the close ups, the overhead shot of the characters at the table we used a tripod.  This ensured the camera stayed perfectly still throughout the shot, meaning the result looked very professional.  Using the tripod meant we could easily get matching eyeline shots, as we just kept the tripod at the same height.  We also used the tripod for some tilts and pans as the tripod kept the camera at the same level as the action which meant you would always have the characters in the shot - you just had to move the tripod arm in one direction or the other.  Although, sometimes, the shots were jolted as the person controlling the camera begun to move the arm of the tripod.

A difficulty we faced whilst filming, was getting the correct lighting.  Onscreen, the light areas were enhanced and looked too bright.  We couldn't do anything about this, physically, as we couldn't dim the room's light.  Looking back, we shouldn't have filmed some shots (e.g the cowboy rejoicing at 'killing' the mummy) right beneath a light, which made the shot distorted and look very bright.

Our group worked well together.  We were either working in pairs, or altogether as a group; and on each shot we all had a go of filming it, until one of us got a good shot that we all agreed on - which we would then film a few times.  Filming was a bit slow to get started, as I think everyone was slightly wary of the cameras and the prospect of having to order around actors - knowing exactly what we wanted to do and how it would look in our heads, but not quite sure how to make everything work - we didn't want it to turn out seeming completely crazy and over-the-top.  However, once we'd gotten over the initial shock of actually having to film something and we'd started on the first shot, everything moved along fairly quickly and we were surprised to have all the shots we needed finished in just over an hour. 

I enjoyed the feeling of making something happen: the fact that we thought of the idea in our heads which we then put on paper and it has finally come before our eyes; a sense of achievement and knowing it was all our own. 

Monday 17 October 2011

The Script


MUSIC IS PLAYING and there are PEOPLE DANCING. The COWBODY goes to get his BEEPING PHONE from the table and then SITS DOWN TO LOOK AT IT.

The COWBOY looks up from his phone.

Oh, are you alrigh-

The COWBOY notices the MUMMY, who smiles at him.
They both STAND UP and face each other. The COWBOY begins to DRAW HIS GUN.

A mummy.

A cowboy…?

The COWBOY looks at him disgustedly, whilst the MUMMY is confused. The COWBOY SHOOTS and the MUMMY collapses.

Hello, I’m already dead- you hat wearing fool!

THE MUMMY walks out, pulling tissue off himself and flicking it.

I’m a mummy, silly.


The Storyboard

This is my group's storyboard for the prelimary task.  It shows our initial ideas for the camera angles we might use when filming.

Friday 7 October 2011

Preliminary Task Idea

For our preliminary task, we need to create a short film that includes: 180 degree rule, shot reverse shot and match on action.  We also need to include a person walking through a door, sitting down at a table and exchanging dialogue with another person. 

As a group of 4, we have come up with the idea of a Halloween party.  There will be a room full of guests (dressed apporopriately for a Halloween party) having fun and dancing to upbeat music, surrounded by balloons and party poppers.  In particular, there will be a 'cowboy' and a 'mummy', who are the main two characters.  The cowboy begins in the party room dancing when his phone buzz's and he sits down at a table a checks it.  Whilst he is doing this, the mummy enters the room through a door, and sits down at a chair opposite the cowboy.  The cowboy starts to say "Hello", but then trails off as he realises its a mummy.  Intense music begins.  For some unknown reason, the cowboy has a hate towards mummies and is disgusted that it is there.  Both the mummy and cowboy stand up and exchange a couple of lines before the cowboy draws his gun on the mummy.  He shoots the mummy and it collaspes on the floor.  The cowboy cheers, rejoins the party and upbeat music begins to play again.  There is then a close up of the cowboys face and shoulder as a mummy hand slams down on it.  The mummy hauls himself up and says to the cowboy something like, "I'm already dead, you hat-wearing fool".  The mummy then strolls out the party room, flicking a piece of his bandage and saying "I'm a mummy, silly".
Hello, I'm Lauren and welcome to my Media Studies AS Level blog!