Friday, 7 October 2011

Preliminary Task Idea

For our preliminary task, we need to create a short film that includes: 180 degree rule, shot reverse shot and match on action.  We also need to include a person walking through a door, sitting down at a table and exchanging dialogue with another person. 

As a group of 4, we have come up with the idea of a Halloween party.  There will be a room full of guests (dressed apporopriately for a Halloween party) having fun and dancing to upbeat music, surrounded by balloons and party poppers.  In particular, there will be a 'cowboy' and a 'mummy', who are the main two characters.  The cowboy begins in the party room dancing when his phone buzz's and he sits down at a table a checks it.  Whilst he is doing this, the mummy enters the room through a door, and sits down at a chair opposite the cowboy.  The cowboy starts to say "Hello", but then trails off as he realises its a mummy.  Intense music begins.  For some unknown reason, the cowboy has a hate towards mummies and is disgusted that it is there.  Both the mummy and cowboy stand up and exchange a couple of lines before the cowboy draws his gun on the mummy.  He shoots the mummy and it collaspes on the floor.  The cowboy cheers, rejoins the party and upbeat music begins to play again.  There is then a close up of the cowboys face and shoulder as a mummy hand slams down on it.  The mummy hauls himself up and says to the cowboy something like, "I'm already dead, you hat-wearing fool".  The mummy then strolls out the party room, flicking a piece of his bandage and saying "I'm a mummy, silly".

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