Friday 27 April 2012

Film Opening Remake

The Shining (2012)

As production company; 'GEMINI', we decided upon remaking the opening of The Shining (1980).  At the time, we felt obviously undaunted at the prospect of not having the facilities of a helicopter (or a real car, roads and beautiful landscapes for that matter) for those impressive (and, as we understand it now, enviable), bird's-eye-view shots and bravely continued onwards with only a toy car, some string, a bit of Gaffatape and a whole lot of broccoli. 

Luckily for us, the point of this activity was, not only to see how close to the original we could get our remake, but to ensure we could create a film storyboard, a shot list, knew what order the opening titles have to appear in, knew how to use and experiment with the cameras, could edit the clips, music and titles together and experiment using the software.  I can safely say that I now know, thanks to this task - however successful - the basic principles of directing, filming and putting together a piece of film.

Here's GEMINI in action; referring to our storyboard to make any minor alterations to our setup to somehow make it look even more like the real The Shining opening than it already did.

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