Thursday 26 April 2012

Analysis of Student Film Openings Continued

Some of the student film openings looked extremely professional.  Personally, I think this was down to the camera used (the quality does improve the opening - the audience gets drawn in), positioning of titles as well as the font used for them, believability of the storyline and acting.  These factors help to improve how the audience interprets the film, and so they all need to be good to ensure the standard is kept the same throughout and therefore creates the atmosphere of a professional film-makers opening.

What didn't work well was poor acting.  Although a media student isn't necessarily assessed foremost on the quality of the acting, if the acting is poor, it really bruises the audience's vision of the film overall.  This also creates a problem within the filming as, if the actor is uncomfortable, they will not work well with the camera which will doubly create an issue with the footage onscreen; with the actor making oherwise decent shots seem awkward and, obviously, unprofessional.

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